Thursday 2 August 2018


The main reason mankind began living in space was due to congestion on earth slower net speeds meant teleportation or telepresence became almost impossible as the airwaves were
so clogged with traffic so too were the transport networks. Mankind needed space and took it as the satcom network could be used directly and ultra orbit gravity domes offered go anywhere rates for all virtual deck business men and women. They all enjoyed the emmense spaces that had been built by space grunts and telerobotics. A giant space port was first assembled and channeled precious minerals worth trillions back to earth.

In fact by the year 2089 the space race became a matter of survival when the outbreak of an information virus took hold of the entire connected human race. It was seeded two decades earlier with the advent of quantum computing. The profound effects on the pysches of every connected being on the planet due to quantum entanglement between neurons in the brain and their artificial equilivent that used electrons spinning around inside a vacume had meant the days of the super AI's on earth were numbered.

A war raged between those that wanted to surpress this new technology and those that wanted it unleashed. Unfortunately the choice had already been made as it wasnt the benign creations of the super AI's but rather the interconnectedness of man and machine that was the cause of the outbreak and mankinds dependance on these new age machines as an enhancement to his already diminished natural intelligence.

The outbreak started in various locations and spread like a virus inhabiting the minds of its users like a parasite until their brains exploded.

The cdc was called in to isolate those thought to be carriers but this had meant constructing faraday cages to stop it from travelling via the airwaves to infect others. The virus was clever though and it used quantum tunnelling to escape this.

Eventually attention was drawn to those that had remained unaffected - newborns their brains were more adaptive then those that had grown emmersed into this technological dependant world. If they were raised in a low tech environment - no phones, no radios etc then perhaps there was a chance of their brains being unaffected but it was only true for half the rest regardless of origins became infected even whilst living outside of the grid. The virus had literally hijacked our own biology at the subatomic level.

The cdc who by now had taken to wearing emf suits that scrambled the bioemmessions from the infected and that of the airwaves managed to remain unaffected there attentions now drew to the last remaining unaffected - a group of scientists who had been living in space at the time of the outbreak.

Theyd remained unaffected. Meanwhile the entire planet was now populated by the infected information virus casualtys with the countless dead whose brains had exploded due to a build up of phosphenes in the neurotransmitters reacting with an abundance of calcium ions and causing their brains to explode.

Nasa the cdc and various companys and space tech people joined forces to begin construction of a habitable space station for the survivors to escape the mind virus which by now was completely biological and didnt even need a communicatiosn infrastructure. It used the quantum computing power of interconnected minds and quantum
entanglement to spread essentially reducing those still alive to neural processing units, or quantum processors.

Luckily it was confined to earth by the ionosphere and couldnt transmit to space via any of our satellites or space ships. Once you were free of the ionosphere you could start breathing again content that you no longer had to wear emf suits and take the blockers youd been give by the cdc.

"The planet would might take years but eventually the virus would run out of human brain matter on earth and die out."

"Yes it is true that many from the cdc thought the cause was our super AI's but now we know this not to be true and the last of the remaining AI's have been rescued from earth and are now in a emf sheilded facility close to the core of this very station and their sole purpose is to monitor the earths ionosphere, cosmic radiation entering the station and ofcourse maintain our automatic gravity."

"Mr Peterson has already raised the concern that the infovirus may interact with the gravitons produced by the station and cause weightlessness but with the deadlocks in place there is no chance of this happening without a ship to ship tether being initiated.....and so far we have yet to see the virus being able to control machines."

We have theorised that the virus occured due to the initiation of quantum entanglement devices being used within the communication industry and thereby by every living being  connected to the net in someway. Once it had taken hold it no longer required a quantum device to spread and found the most suitable candidate being the human brain.

I will let Dr Andrews continue with the explanation she is the foremost epert within the cdc.

By the control of certain biochemical events the brain was made to explode due to the surplus of calcium and phosphene ions. This build up led a biochemical reaction that seemed a by product of the brain being overused for some purpose by the infovirus. We have yet to determine the purpose and have theorised that it is not soley for its procreation.

Mind fucked theyve all been mind fucked by that ... thing.

Yes leutenant Jefferies the limbic system is thought to be involved - makinds only weakness so it seems. The origins of the virus is unknown it may have been among us for thousands of years only waiting for the opportunity that our quantum meddeling has provided.

I dont think its fair to blame quantum science for this after all hasnt nature been meddling with the quantum world far longer than us.

Yes doctor philips but it was us who have opened pandoras box nature merely takes the opportunitys on offer.

Yes I agree - nature doesnt meddle it evolves it adapts just like this virus for good or for ill. Now I would like to draw our ettention to the diversity program that doctor johnson has agreed to head up.

Dr johanson a tall slim dark haired swedish woman of appealing features which drew the attention of all the male attendee's began to talk, "We have elected a team to return to earth in order to recover the dna from all persons so that they may be cloned later. and also to look for any survivors that may have some immunity to the virus."

Thankyou dr johanson. The cloning ofcourse shall be initiated once our ships arrive on hibli 8 the third planet in the Iridia system. H8 has been selected as a suitable location or hub from which humanity may spread using our dna receiver ships. They work simply by robotic control and receive and grow humans from synthetic dna. Enhanced humans that is the first created will recieve our telepathic teleportations as will our robotic servants all controlled via quantum entanglement.

Wait a minute did you say quantum entanglement - isnt that the primary mode of transmission of the infovirus.

Yes it is correct.

I see then isnt there a risk.

No no theres no risk the infovirus is perfectly contained within the earths ionosphere. No way out. Perfectly safe, nothing to worry about.

The leutenant grimaced as the scientist seemed to be hiding something. He glanced around the room no one else seemed to pick up on this. There was silver glint in the scientist's eyes only just noticeable - maybe it was just in his head. He had been overworked finishing the new wing on the habipods and being drafted to replace those that were infected back on earth.

 The controllers, the grafters all of them had been gotten to by the virus their brains were the first to go exploding over their vr decks, or on their way up in the many autoloaders that brought everything up to the station. Now they were self sufficient but only just. Everything had been stopped after the outbreak and all focus was on making sure the station was self sufficient. A few of the grafters had stayed most had returned to earth in free fall expecting to find something left of the world so they could build their own private sanctuary raise a family.

They hadnt believed the cdc their implacable faith in humanity to survive by hard work alone. Those that remained had been drafted and now formed part of an elite group of planet shifting wise guys. All of them ran their own rig's and brought resources from the inner planets back to each station enroute. But now all the focus was on the dna ships they had the best jobs and fortunatley there had been enough teleworkers plugged into the satcom's direct feeds up here to pitch in with deep space colonization. Expendable their brains often got fried in operating human clones and machines on the other side of the galaxy. Most got delinked lost somewhere in the quantum complexity's of space travel. The grafters didnt get involved they preferred their own bodys to some clone. But somebody had to do the grunt work - fetch the water, mine the ore, build the habipods.

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