Friday 3 August 2018

The Women of Mars - Prt 1 Growing Women on Mars

Growing women on mars.

The spaceship aurora entered its docking station just above fort henry. Isobel watched the greyish red planet opening out beneath her its red halo like circumference was eclipsed by the gateway staion that orbited above the martian sprawl beneath that opened out like a web of interconnected habitat's covering the equilivent land mass of the united states. Half above half below just one continuos city all made from martian soil and minerals. As she readied herself to jump from the spacecraft she held the spaceship one last time after all it had been her home for more than a year. The journey from Europa had been long and she was very tired. She would have liked to have been on the Earth shuttle it took only 3 weeks but that would have meant growing up on earth and that was only in her dreams no one from the outer planets could visit earth due to gravity and population controls.

It was generally well known that child birth by an earth woman on mars was impossible due to the lack of gravity. This had caused many problems for the colonists many of whom were family's and to discover that all births were medically impossible was a serious stumbling block for the new world. On Europa there wasnt a problem as gravity on board the Jupitor zone stations had been controlled to keep it at the right level for fetal development. On Europa if you had become impregnated then you had to make the routine trip to one of the many prenatal way stations in the Jupitor system. This often meant the parents forking out for either an abortion or paying for her stay 
upstairs until she gave birth. As gravity interferred with fetal development it was generally advised that no more than a few weeks should be left before relocation. On Mars however this wasnt possible the gravity stations around Mars were underequipped and many didnt have gravity control. The reason being – Mars was a poor planet. It was inhabited mostly by pioneers and renegades who had become obsessed with terraforming and sunk all of their money in turning Mars into earth. The gateway was all they could afford it was simply a jumping off point for arrivals who werent able to afford the earth shuttle and didnt mind free falling to a dead planet. What they saved on freefall they could use to pay for the return journey and the expensive orbital lifter which often broke down.

So unlike the Jupitor system and ofcourse earth on Mars baby's were a rarity. And no baby's meant fewer women. So most of the women came over from Earth or Jupitor attracted to the Martian experience and the Men of Mars. Who for the most part were a hardy bunch.

Mars sanitation and health department was inundated with problems that stemmed from Martian Men impregnanting their women and then the failed preganancy's and all of that mucky stuff. So they decided to make a woman from scratch that would satisfy the men on mars and be able to produce offspring.

They believed if done right they wouldnt know the difference. They were wrong. The hybrid women were unbelievably stunning they had tall athletic bodys and extremely good looks. The scientists at Mars health department couldnt understand why they were all such stunners. “Something to do with the gravity dna switch.”

Blurb :

Isobella a no nonsense girl from way out west sorts out the men of mars who dont no what to do inundated with all these femme fetals and helps the femme fetals create their own ideal men using the Mars tech for cloning hybrid humans she then goes of in search of the one man that she might faguely fancy as all the martian men fancy her but she's just not interested and heres about thisw guy whose living way out at the poles. This guy was one of the earliest pioneers before all the gruff types turned up and was obsessed with terraforming mars using some advanced technology instead he develops the ability to impregnate Isobella with this technology whose purpose was to start life on mars. Now pregnant and not sure how Isobella returns angrily to the space port to prepare for departure back to Jupitor. The shuttle fails and falls back to the planet and she is jettisoned but is rescued by a tribe of hybrid mars women who hail her as their savour. She gives birth to a normal healthy girl who is the first true woman of mars.

The Hybrid mars women have special lungs to allow them to breath on mars hence live outside and have resistance to the cold. They are also extremely beautiful and have telepathic powers to seduce any man or woman. And babies loads and loads of babies. The end.

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