Wednesday 26 December 2018

Stream Amazon Prime over your Ubuntu Linux network

Wow so you've decided to stream your music now and MPD is useless
Amazon prime has all your albums and its affordable but so far you can only
listen via your browser or phone. You want it streamed throughout your
home network to every machine you own just like mpd.

Heres how to do it using vlc :
1. Open a browser on your Ubuntu box and start streaming music to your soundcard.

2. Issue this command on your Ubuntu box to find out what sound device to use:
pacmd list-sources | awk '/name:.+\.monitor/'

3.  Then add this information to the following cvlc command:

cvlc pulse://alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo.monitor --sout '#standard{access=http,mux=ogg,}'

4. Open on any of your other machines to stream
directly from your amazon prime music! Yeah.

And it works and now you can listen your Music just like with MPD.

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