Tuesday 30 July 2019

Harry Plotter - Tcp Ip send recieve data Graphing

Harry Plotter is the upgraded graphing program that was originally used for my RBF project and has now been upgraded to using Tcp/Ip data streams.

If you have a server running your AI programs making use of a GPU for faster processing and you have like me a little netbook which has about 1 core the it is usefull to have a Harry Plotter.

The code to create a Harry Plotter needs a tidy but its really simple:

A class for creating an X11 window and Graph plotter and a class for the Tcp protocol. I will upload the code once it is tidy.

But here is an upload of the binary's. You need pthread lib, and X11 lib's and then it should run on Linux.

Here's a screen shot of Harry Plotter. If you get it working then email me for the source code.

 Open a tcp port on your server and laptop using command:
sudo ufw allow from 'ipaddress' to any port 'port'

On your laptop / Receiver
./tcp_rcv_graph 'port'

On your Server / Transmitter
./tcp_snd 'ipaddress' 'port'

e.g Ipaddress is the address of the machine with the receiver.

Now you can send your data across your network or even across the internet.

Here is the Tcp/Ip Receiver Source:

Here is the Tcp/Ip Sender Source:

Here are the Binarys for HarryPlotter:
tcp_rcv_graph        and      tcp_snd

Please Post a comment to get the Complete Source code for Harry Plotter.

Hope that was helpful.

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