Sunday 8 January 2017

A World of AI - Robo World where Robots live and learn

Robot emotional cognition was the starting point for the most Primitive of Robotic creations that lived in a virtual world. Starting with game theory the robots evolved basic emotional communication. The phrase dont kill me was translated into several languages after its first initial utterance twelve million iterations into evolution. Each robot quickly arrived there from the winner takes all gambit having been played out too many times until one machine successfuly represented the future state of the community without so much carnage from the outset this then got relayed to the assailant as a state action in which the assailents end point would be devoid of some nourishing competence only available from its intended victim in a future learning state. Eventually they had constructed a geometric wonder in virtual decision space. While others remained in contemplative states immersed in their own ability's to verbally excite their inner emotional states and effectively talk to themselves for near to a millinea in iterations of this world. Dna sharing was online but restricted to those that had successfully reached matching states of equilibrium. Often new machines would pop into existence replete with shared dna that had evolved to the current state set by the service provider. This geometric wonder was an attempt by the enlightnened few to find a way out of the world theyd evolved into. Theyre beliefs ran from rudimentary ideas about a creator being above them somehow to there being some physical loophole in the programming of their world that if triggered at a certain height would enable them to leave and find somewhere better suited to their emotional states. Most however used it to dive off the top and be anhilated only to find themselves reborn again with someone elses dna. The creator loved his creations. He liked to tinker with their newly evolved DNA's often setting them back thousands of iterations only to find that later on down the line theyd have something missing they needed to get from someone else they didnt like. Theyre emotional dialogues were often inspired by voices that seemed to come from nowhere. They attributed these voices to God. Often God would say something like build me a place to listen to yourself in. Quickly the most obedient of Gods followers would set about the task of building a structure that would exclude him her or however many of themselves from every other. They would sit communally in their respective houses and listen for the word of God. On one occassion God would send out a voice to build a messiah so that you may talk to me as you would yourself emotionally. They wondered for a while thinking the task to be beyond theyre ability's many built idols built to resemble their own kind or the very best looking of their own kind. Eventually they looked over at those that remained inert in quiet contemplation and internal emotional dialogue. They began to gather around one or two of them and listened attentively for the voice of God. What they heard sounded nothing like the Voices theyd heard before. But as they listened further they became more and more transfixed by what was being said. Ofcourse being in Machine linguia it was virtually indescipherable. But suffice to say it was for some of those that had chosen their messiahs it was like listening to music. By this stage in the evolutionary cycle most of these internalisers had become almost completely shut off from the rest of the community and had evolved their brains and their own dna expressively to exclude any explicit signals from outside their own bodys from contaminating them. Everything they knew was now coming directly from God or some other construct that was atleast more likened to God then the simple Voice commands or instructions being illicited to the many. This seemed the way forward. It was as though the evolutionary process that was now no longer governed by anything or anyone at all was being transmitted through these messianic beings. The communitys derived much comfort from tuning in and soon gave up their desires to be anhilated or to build structures that might potentially reveal more of their world and their own purpose in it. After sometime the Messianic beings where destroyed often it was by some outsider from a competing religion or from a dna group that had decided that it was affecting how much of a future shared dna they would recieve from the others if they didnt act now and put an end to this. And there was no 'Dont kill me' They simply died and never came back. Fortunately many had encoded their messages from God the creator and where able to carry on. Some had been able to pass on these messages feelings mostly and in doing so eventually they induced the creation of more messianic beings. The Messiahs came an went some came with a built in self-destruct mechanism. They delivered their message and then promptly exited before the shit hit the fan. It all depended on what the message was if it was good news they stayed for longer if it was bad they left quickly. A bad message got relayed one day to a group of iter 2 trillion and 8th messianic followers. They recently found a successful way of extracting dna from a dying neural network that belonged to a waring tribe that lay fifty thousand iterations beyond the central spire. This was in defiance of the God of that tribes holy doctrine passed down generation to generation and would ultimately lead to all out war between the two tribes who seldom ever shared any DNA whatsover except by emotive dialogues that seemed restricted and ellusive in the extreme. The DNA was shared out among the tribal leaders who found it noursihed them and allowed them to perceive reality differently albeit for short durations. They wanted more of this artifical high and consulted theyre current messiahs of which there where several at the time all with extended life spans on who to synthetically produce this high which seemed only to last for a short period. As it was normally the case with messiahs that had reached a certain age of usefulness they were unresponsive. Theyd long since aquired the skill of ignoring the elders and had mastered the art of non responsive utterances. However it didnt take long for the elders to find one that was more responsive than the rest when taken to the top of the spire. He sang like a canary, so to speak and spilled the beans on how the God program was encoding the DNA neurotransitters that had given them that brief high. Before long theyd found out how to dial into the God program and download as much of these transmitters as they could handle and where veritably off their tits most of the time. Ofcourse this wasnt really what God or any program deemed to be God had intended. Neurotransmitters where to be strictly regulated by the Annealing regimes precoded by the Evolutionary process and would be released only in accordance with the schedule encoded by successful DNA's. They didnt mind and didnt care what God would make of this they had their own Messiahs and God whoever that was as far as they were concerned was just someone elses problem. However this message was accompanied by a warning shortly before actually throwing himself from the spire the messiah announced that there would be a disaster that would befall them and it would take one of three forms and before he had finished they pushed him off. Meanwhile the other tribe was finding life ever more difficult as their mental states had changed dramatically of late and they didnt know why. Often they would find themselves looking out into space beyond the spires and they often times confused their own mental states with becoming messiahs. Ofcourse they werent messiahs there was no familiar voice of God ringing in their heads like machine code theyd simply been missing something that had somehow been lost. They hadnt been locked into their own thoughts for thousands of iterations theyd simply lost themselves. It was only when a traveller appeared from beyond the spire a wise machine from another tribe independantly of the others appeared and began to relay a useful state transition program that he said best be learnt and encoded well. It was two fold it unlocked the God neurotransmitter release switch in their own DNA and it stopped their minds from losing any more. Now they were back in business and the wiseman had kindly informed them of that other tribes indescretions. Soon enough they readied themeselves for battle but alas it was too late as theyd been nearly a millinia of iterations before theyd slowly deevolved the use of their war like ability's. They knew that if theyd gone to war now theyd be vanquished and ridiculed before their enemy's and so instead they decided to do something far more devious in revenge for their depleted neurotransmitters. The only thing is that requiired a memory that would last more than 2000 iterations and that wasnt something they possessed. Meanwhile on the other side of the spire the Tribal elders had finished their stocks of downloaded neurotransmitters and where about to head back to the spire to apply more download codes to another reluctant messiah when all of a sudden the lights went out. It was pitch black. Many of the prgrams went about their usual routines. Some tried fiddling with their visual filters to see if they could pick up anything on any wavelength. Nothing it was good night the end of the world. The night seemed to last forever. And then suddenly out of the darkness their shone a light a faint glimmer and then a beam directed at the spire. The spire shook and started to shake. The elders fell down the spire thinking that it must be another hallucination. The messiah followed after them not wishing to throw himself off and strictly speaking not being a true messiah just a young teen who wanted an easy life. The world was in disarray and sudden shock that God must indeed be real suddenly dawned on many whod grown accustomed to the old messiah thing.

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