Monday 30 January 2017

Part 2 Building the Bucky Ball for Earth Pressure (Untested)

After the shell is complete a level 0.1 atmos is applied to the outer shell. This minimizes the pressure exerted on the outer shell whilst retaining its structure and function to keep the vessel pressurised at that layer. A second layer built directly onto the buckyball frame work supports the remaining pressure of the interior once filled with earth level atmos.

The second interior layer is fully load bearing and must support the forces exerted by the earth level pressures against the .01 atmos in the outer shell.

This double layering performs the function of keeping everything in place as all of the forces are distributed to the buckyball frame and not the non load bearing protective shell.

The second interior is constructed from carbon fibre with titanium struts connecting it to the load bearing Bucky ball.

Each carbon fibre structure must be brought onboard after completion of the primary shell and sealed in place to prevent any possibility of leaks entering the primary shell which is held at 1 atmos.

This layer is then sealed once again using the spray on plastic sealent that covers all surfaces the gaps between each carbon fibre layer is also sealed before hand using carbon fibre resin making an impervious seal.

All sealants are electrically conductive and are connected to sensors throughout that monitor both changes in pressure onboard and any slight changes electrical conductivity of the hull that would indicate a fracture or a warping of the strucure that may be due to an external or internal cause.

Once this is complete the entirior of the Ball can be filled with air and everyone can remove their pressure helmets but not their suits and instead wear low pressure masks and low pressure suits and continue work.

The titanium struts all point into the structure towards the center and are used to carry furth load bearing structures throughout the ship such that all forces are carried evenly throughout the Bucky Ball. As forces are applied to the Ball in all directions they are spread out evenly therefore the Ball's interiiors load bearing structure must refelect the exterior symetry of the Ball or risk an uneven distribution of forces thereby resulting in a weakness.

Other equally strong and stable structures that can acheive artifical gravity in this way and deal with the massive forces exert on them by a pressurisd vessel in space includes the Hexadome.

In order to compensate for the forces of gravity and the rotaion forces of the Ball the Struts would need to radiate out from the equator where the centrifugal forces are greatest towards the upper and lower hemispheres. Thereby ensuring an equal distribution of force throughout. The calculations and designs are in PDF format for download here. With a slow and gradual accelleration to the correct rotation the initial forces due to accelleration of the Ball are minimised until equilibrium is reached and the correct rotational velocity is aquired. A fast accelleration to this velocity could result in unacceptable forces being applied to the structure hence a slow gradual rotation is applied using the Intelligent Thrusters working in unison.

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