Sunday 29 January 2017

The worlds FIRST - self assembling super structure in space.

A new world awaits us in outer space - entirely man made and self sufficient.

A spining hollow sphere with varying artificial graivty the most being at the equator where there would be communal space such as a park and further in would be lower gravity with zero at the polar extremes.

People would pay more to be housed closer to the equator where they would experience the best gravity.

Or it would be closer towards the center with higher spin rates and a ultra heavey gravity at the equator suitable only for marine life.

Limited to the correct revolutions to prevent motion sickness some regions within the spehere would be offlimits to humans and yet suitable for food production, hybrid crops grown using hydroponics to produce a variety of Geneticly modified foods.

An artificial ecosystem could be created that would allow recycled air and water to be supplied throughout the station.

The structure could be built using a bucky ball repeating framework or lattice easily manufactured and compacted for transport into orbit and covered with a high density metallic polymer which protects against microcollisions by energy absorption. The entiirior would be filled with extruded high density expanding plastic foam and reinforced with carbon fibre fixtures.

Layer 1 titanium composite metallic buckyball frame - Initial transport 635 x 3 kilo struts
Layer 2 high density collision absorbing metallic polymer - canvas / repairable 759,000 km2
Layer 3 expanding plastic foam - insulating and containing conductive additive for electron emmsision cosmic ray deflections / protection 200 tonnes of plastic foam (Electrons deflect cosmic rays!)
Layer 4 Held between the Buckyball frame and surrounding by foam an strengthened layer of carbon fibre meshing for added strength attached directly to the Bucky ball frame.
Inbetween space for wiring pipes and other essentials needed to transport liquid , electricty and heat throughout the station would be layered within the extruded walls.
Layer 5 An air sealed plastic layer would be sprayed across all interior surfaces. This would also be a conductive plastic that would relay information about any hull breach detections to the communications grid. (Using Intelligent materials. Intelligent Materials are able to communicate stress and strain data from throughout the surface the same way you measure resistence along a length of wire.)

The delivery for materials would take approximately 30 trips into space at a cost of 76 million per trip. Each trip would deliver its cargo to a waiting vessel that would refuel and carry its supplies the necessary distance from earths lower orbits and begin construction.

Well lets see how much space junk ahem I mean satellites can you deliver in thirty round trips to make it pay.

Ofcourse once the space station (Death star) is fully operational around its central axis will be housed a mircowave projector aimed at a fixed location on earth (Preferably London or some major city). Solar energy is then collected from across its surface using a giant array of solar panels that recieve continuous unfiltered sunlight and generating approximately 700 GigaWatts of electricty per minute. 90% of which is then transmitted via microwave to the receiver station or city on earth generating a daily profit of approximately 3 million (earth creds) Per day.

Meanwhile the hoy poly of earth's elite will ofcourse enjoy transit to the station and wine and dine in the greatest comfort as they stay at a region along the equator to enjoy the view.

How is it built?

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