Sunday 29 January 2017

Is the UK's Space Age yet apon us?

With Britains increased involvement in the Trump administrations goal of protectionism and international security the time is now right for strengthening ties with our overseas cousins and now is no better time than the present.

With Tatar steel now thankfully resurrected the UK's increasing involvement in Aerospace manufacture could potentially eclipse that of our European competitors with the purchase and aquisition plans for a minimal Rocket base and Manufacturing plant based in Wales.

There have been many potential candidates for locating a space ascent site within the UK not least the one used for initial testing of the the Black Knight at High Down. Its first launch was in Woomera Australia. Now with proven technology developed by SpaceX to affordably send payloads in excess of 40 tonnes into lower orbit and beyond the prospects of building a reusable orbital ascent vehical in the UK and actually turning a profit have become viable.

The Falcon 9 reusable rocket's launch station can be situated near to Tatar steels factory capable of producing rocket parts and transferring them to a chosen site within wales that makes use of the original infrastructure that once made the UK and wales the epicenter for the industrialised world. Rail links no longer used within wales were once used to transport coal from the valleys to the sea. One route in particular used a tunnel to transport coal to Port Talbot - the location of Tatar Steels plant.

It is more than likely after the most recent government report on the Aerospace industry that Wales will indeed be chosen for the location of several launch sites perhaps making the UK once more the driving force for the industrialised world.

The land albeit vertical has an abundance of features making it most suitable for heavey excavation and the conveyance of fuel and parts via its coastal ports and prexisting rail infrastructure.

Right now the UK is investing heavily in its rail infrastructure focusing on commutors travelling from the north and midlands to london to work. There already exists plans to revitalise Wales with the inclusion of Tatar steel and the creation of more jobs in construction and the Aerospace industry.

It is most likely that the UK government will start by simply requesting permission from the Welsh Assembly to aquire the neccessary permits and land in order to build projects like this.

Already land has been aquired for the construction of wind farms in all of the proposed sites for a rocket base. Therefore it is not a Land issue at present the UK government is currently negotiating with the patent holders in the US to build rocket factorys in the UK to ship parts overseas to regions within Africa.

The space race is finally here but it may be some time before Wales hears once again the resounding blasts of its furnace like engines as they rip appart the night sky and carve out a new destiny for mankind.

Each site would be heavily excavated and the plans being similar to the peenemunde rotating launch facility used to launch the V2. This would aswell as saving on land would also serve to protect the launch from adverse weather conditions. The maximum tolerable wind speed prior to launch is 70 km and as we already know the weather in wales can often be a might difficult. It is also a safety issue an underground launch facility given adequate depth will minimise noise pollution, emmissions and if there should be an accident it would be self contained within the facility.

The valleys are ideal. Seldom visited the barren mountains that once laid bare and encapsulated the center of wales coal industry have now been brought by energy companys wishing to capitalise on the weather producing energy available from the more recent construction of wind farms. Held by many to be a blight on the landscape these monsters of the valleys mountains would not be necessary with the UK's commitment to building an energy farm in space. In this earlier article I outlined the plans for a Bucky Ball structure not disimilar to the "Death Star" orbiting earth at a higher orbit and with the proven microwave transmission of energy from unfiltered sunlight hitting its many sides adorned with solar collecting panels.

In fact if you read here in my earlier blog you will see it is perfectly possible for many of these bucky balls to be built at low cost and self-assembled in space. With microwave transmission beams aimed at every city or region of high populace.

Those of you taken with some fear and trepedation of a microwave beam of energy being sent down from an orbiting space structure neednt worry as the energy of the beam is only imparted to a collector tuned to that beams frequency. Just as when your mobile phone receives a signal.

The energy needs for London for example would require one Buckyball with a radius of 1.2 kilometers and would require 27 trips by reusable rocket into lower earth orbit.

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